We offer services in Strategy development with focus on integration into all dimensions of the business in order to generate long term profitable solutions.
What we do
We manage the process when developing overall strategies or strategies covering different processes like supply chain or specific areas e.g. climate change.
We support the entire process starting in the planning throughout integration, implementation and review and follow-up.
We use multiple methods, e.g. Future Search, allowing different levels of involvement throughout the organization as well as involving external stakeholders.
Positive solutions contribute to an overall positive impact on people and the planet at the same time as they generate business value as you use less or renewable resources.
The result will be reduced costs, increased profitability, reduced risk and improved brand reputation. On this transitional journey you have to revisit the roots of your company, your vision and business idea as well as the culture and values. These are for sure to act as a guide and compass for the whole organization when setting long term strategies as well as in the daily work.
“To develop the strategy - Future Search
To start up the engagement and integration in the company, can the working method Future Search be the most efficient tool to use.”